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"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 NIV

Mobilizing Missions

Our mission is to be witnesses of Christ, spreading His love and truth locally, nationally, and globally. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we aim to impact communities, proclaiming the gospel, making disciples, and bringing hope to the ends of the earth.

Local Outreach

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Our primary mission begins right here in San Diego, where we are rooted in serving our local community. By partnering closely with nonprofit organizations like the San Diego Rescue Mission, we strive to bring hope, healing, and transformative change to individuals and families facing homelessness and hardship in our community.

San Diego Rescue Mission | "Monday Nights At The Mission"

August 26
October 28

Serve The City | November 2 - More Info. To Come!

Serve the City is a one day event where we are partnering with nonprofits across San Diego to lift up the hurting in our city. We will be painting, cleaning, building, washing, feeding, playing, laughing and ultimately serving our city in the hopes of showing the love of Jesus and letting our city know that we love them and we are here to serve them.

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Judea + Samaria
Regional Outreach

At Captivate, our mission extends beyond borders. From the bustling streets of Southern California to vibrant cities like Tijuana and Oaxaca in Mexico, we are committed to regional missions. Through collaborative partnerships, we strive to address the unique needs of our diverse region. Whether it's providing food and shelter, or spreading the message of hope, we're dedicated to making a positive impact across Southern California and beyond, reaching Mexican communities.

Tijuana Outreach | Coming Soon!

To the Ends of the Earth
International Outreach

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We are driven by a global mission. Our commitment to international missions knows no bounds from the breathtaking landscapes of Peru to the sunny shores of Jamaica and beyond. Together, we support orphanages, nurture local congregations, and spread the message of faith and hope. Through these efforts, we strive to make a profound impact on communities worldwide.

Lima, Peru | June 29 - July 6

Our Missions + Outreach team will be partnering with Iglesia La Ciudad for their Serve Week in Miraflores & Manchay, Inner City and desert town outreaches.

Kingston, Jamaica | December 11 - 17

Our Missions + Outreach team will be partnering with ZEAL Jamaica to serve with the church at Children’s Home City of Refuge.

You're Invited!

Join us on our missions trips, where we live out Ephesians 4:11 to "equip the saints for the work of ministry." From local communities to international destinations, your involvement makes a difference. Let's work together to spread encouragement and share God's love. Join us on this journey of faith and service!

Mission Momentum: Get Involved, Even if You Can't Go!




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Serve Locally

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